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My name is Orietta, I’m 57, I’m a mother and I have 2 grandchildren. In 2018 I underwent Sleeve Gastectomy surgery to lose weight because, unfortunately, I was obese.

"I was worried I wouldn't have been able to eat like I was used to. Food was like a drug for me. This was my biggest concern. A lot of things in my life are different now. My way of living and thinking changed. I feel amazingly, energised and younger, both mentally and physically."


Patient story

My name is Orietta, I'm 57, I'm a mother and I have 2 grandchildren. In November 2018 I had Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery because, unfortunately, I was obese. Being overweight is invalidating in several ways. Your back and your legs are affected by it. It was really hard for me to do everything. Even walking for 50 meters required huge effort from me. I was working anyway, but I was extremely tired, I had high pressure and all the complications related to being overweight. I tried several diets. Every time I stopped the diet, I was regaining more weight than what I had lost. I had a partner who was also obese, and my situation worsened also because of our relationship. I didn't realise it, but he was eating a lot and I ate a lot as well. For me it was normal, I didn't feel threatened until I had a strong haemorrhage from the nose. My doctor told me it was also due to my physical condition. This led me to my final decision. As the surgery date was getting closer, I was gradually more and more scared. On the other hand, I was so sure about it and I couldn't wait to put an end to the drama I was living with because of my weight. I was almost relieved by the surgery date. The first days were a bit difficult. It's a new life, that starts functioning in a new way. You have to learn to know your new body. Learn how to eat, how to drink. It has been a sort of meditation in movement.


Being obese was really humiliating: people treated me differently. My work life was also difficult: I am a bartender and all the time I was looking for a job nobody was willing to hire me because of the way I looked. I had really impaired mobility and I didn’t feel comfortable surrounded by others. My life now is so different: I feel good being with people, I have more fun with my family too and I can finally properly enjoy my time with my grandchildren.


A lot of things in my life are different now. My way of living and thinking changed. I feel amazing. I cannot say I'm back to 30 years ago because I am older, but I feel amazing. The way I look improved, I lost weight, I can buy smaller and nicer clothes, clothes with an actual shape. I feel energised and younger, both mentally and physically. I love going for trips and walks. Before I could have cried only at the idea of walking. Now movement is rewarding to me. I started dancing, I signed up for swing and boogie classes. At the beginning I didn't think I could have done it, and when I started dancing, I thought it was too good to be true.


I was worried I wouldn´t have been able to eat like I was used to. Food was like a drug for me. This was my biggest concern. A lot of things in my life are different now. My way of living and thinking changed. I feel amazingly, energised and younger, both mentally and physically.

Paradoxically the surgery date was a great day for me. I lived it like a dream. Before falling asleep, the anaesthesiologist told me to think about something nice, I thought about my grandchildren. After what I thought was 5 minutes, I woke up and everything was over. I've been lucky, I didn't have any pain, I felt really good from the very beginning.

Surgery is a means, but not the absolute solution, commitment is still required. The sacrifice is limited though, it doesn't take much. Ask help from the medical team if you feel low, they are always really happy and keen to support us.

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