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My name is Irene, I'm 23 and I had the surgery on the 6th June, 2 years ago.

"I'm happier and definitely less angry with the world. Before I was a bit mean, while now I'm much more quiet, gentle and friendly. I'm a better person both from the outside and the inside. I used to think the only problem was my weight. Only now I realise how much my weight was impacting my personality. Obesity is not only and aesthetic problem, but also an inner one."


Patient story

My name is Irene, I'm 23 and I had the surgery on the 6th June, 2 years ago. The max weight I reached was 113 kg and I've been able to lose my excess weight in less than 2 years, which is the normal time during which you expect this to happen. I lost 40 kg in 6 months and now I weight 60 kg. Before surgery, I've always been overweight. The problem was more about me than about others. I've been mocked because I was obese, but I never let those people continue. The bigger problem has always been me. Before considering bariatric surgery, I tried so many diets, I spent 5 months in an auxologic centre, where I was taught by specialists about how to eat and approach sports. I lost 30 kg, but then I gained them back. Surgery was my final decision, for many years I tried to lose weight without getting the results I aimed to. One month after surgery I started eating normally again, even though the portions were extremely reduced compared to the ones I was used to. At the beginning I wasn’t hungry at all, with time my appetite slightly increased. Neither my family nor I expected such a great change. Step by step I started losing weight and gaining trust and motivation. Before I was eating food rapidly, now I eat slowly.


I couldn't go to the sea: the idea of wearing a swimsuit in front of other people was unconceivable. Being overweight during teenage years, when you always compare yourself to other girls, made everything harder. It was really hard for me to do physical education at school because of my weight. Things that are absolutely normal for people of my age, like running to catch the bus, were a problem for me. Running was really hard because of my weight but it was also humiliating to do it in front of other people.


I'm much more active in every sense. Before I never went out, I didn't want to, I couldn't be bothered. Now I am always up for it, simply because I enjoy just being in open air. My relationship with myself has changed: I finally look like I always wanted. I’m more confident and open, so it is much easier to socialise with people. I used to eat food rapidly, now I eat slowly. I started appreciating balanced meals in a healthy way. My tastes changed a lot, before I only ate a small variety of food, while now it varies a lot. I feel much more energised: when you change the way you eat you notice you feel better.


I'm happier and definitely less angry with the world. Before I was a bit mean, while now I'm much more quiet, gentle and friendly. I'm a better person both from the outside and the inside. I used to think the only problem was my weight. Only now I realise how much my weight was impacting my personality. Obesity is not only and aesthetic problem, but also an inner one.

I finally go to the sea again. My movements used to be extremely limited. Now I'm much lighter, I can do everything extremely easily. I walk a lot and I don't feel tired while doing it. I can run like every girl my age. Before, even 2 minutes of running was a problem, 1 km was unbelievable.

The word diet doesn't exist anymore for me. Food to me is no longer an outlet or a diversion. I can eat everything I want in the right portions, the same way every normal-weight person does. Eating in public also changed. When you are obese it's hard and embarrassing to eat some kind of food in front of others, because of the way they judge you. Now I don't feel observed and judged anymore. Generally, I have a much healthier relationship with food.

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